It is common for all site users that they feel comfortable in using their own email id for login purposes. I have created a module to allow users to use either username or email id to login to your fiverrscript website.
- Allows member to use either their registered username or email id to login to your website.
- Easy to install.
- Free Installation and Lifetime support.
You may forget your admin username or password and it will be tough to get back the old admin password or resetting the admin password. I have created a module to provide an option to reset the admin password and it will provide additional feature to login using your admin email id.
- You can login with your admin username or admin email id.
- You can reset and get new password to your admin email id.
- Easy to Install.
- Free Installation and Lifetime support.
Sometimes buyers may need to provide extra amount for sellers who have delivered very good work to them. But there is no feature for them to do so. I have created a module which will allow buyers to tip the seller for his/her good work. This tip amount will directly go to seller's website account, so there is no need for admin to worry about transferring tips to seller's payment gateway account (If needed, I can modify the code, so that the amount will be available for sellers to withdraw). This module will surely motivates your sellers to deliver orders with high quality, insists your buyers to order more gigs and in turn increase admin's revenue. This module fits in order tracking page, so buyers will get immediate option to tip seller once his order is delivered by the seller. Features: - This option is available only for buyers.
- This option is available in order tracking page once the order is delivered by the seller.
- Validations and error messages will be displayed.
- Tip amount will be automatically transferred to seller's account balance.
- Email notification will be sent to seller about buyer's tip.
- Buyer cannot tip more than once for an order.
- You can manage tips in admin panel.
- Works with all Fiverrscript versions.
For security reason, the screenshots are not added here. Please contact me in person to get more details and screenshots of this module.
As an admin, many times you need make small amount transfer (Eg. 4$, 5$, etc) to sellers if they place withdrawal request. This will result in admin paying more fees to payment gateways. So it is better to have some minimum available funds limit for sellers to place withdrawals request. I have created a module which allow admin to set a minimum available funds before seller can withdraw available funds. Features:
- You can set withdrawal limit for user levels in admin panel.
- You can set universal withdrawal limit for sellers in admin panel.
- You can enable or disable this module.
- Provides option to admin to set a minimum available funds before seller can withdraw.
- Proper error message will be displayed to seller if he/she places withdrawal request.
For security reasons, the screenshots of this module is not added here. Please contact me in person to get more details and screenshots of this module.
All visitors to your site are interested to know how many are online with them currently in your site. I have created a module which will help you to show the number of online users in your website.
- Automatically shows the number of online users.
- You can preset the number of online users (Original online users will be added to this count). Suppose, you presetted online users as 3, currently there are 4 real users online in your website. Then the count shown in the screen will be 7 users (presetted 3 + real 4).
- Easy to install.
- Compatible with all Fiverrscript versions.
It is good and safe to take backup of entire website files before making any changes in the files, so that you can replace the old files easily if something went wrong. I have created a module which will ease your task to take backup of website files.
- Take backup of entire website files with one click.
- Password protected backup script.
- Backup file will be stored in your server itself and you can download it to your local from this mod itself.
- You can use this module in any of your site.
- Easy to install.